Does photography have a future?

There is still a place for professionals in the future of photography. Immersive photography · The rise of vintage · AI will change everything There's still a place for professionals in the future of photography.

Does photography have a future?

There is still a place for professionals in the future of photography. Immersive photography · The rise of vintage · AI will change everything There's still a place for professionals in the future of photography. However, the overall demand for photographers will decline over time. Without a doubt, photography is in a time of change.

As camera capabilities skyrocket, ironically, the demand for photographers decreases, as all that technology makes it easier for normal consumers to get photos that are good enough for their needs. So what is the future of photography? Will the industry look completely different in a decade or two? What will the cameras be like? This interesting video addresses some of those questions. Demand for professional photographers will fall.

Neil Shetrone
Neil Shetrone

Infuriatingly humble music maven. Freelance web evangelist. Professional bacon buff. Certified music nerd. Total music aficionado. Subtly charming pop culture fan.

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